Specialised Services

We offer complete Earthmover technical & tyre management services

  • On-site tyre fitment
  • Earthmover & tractor tyre repair
  • On-site tyre inspections - Whilst onsite we can investigate tyre
    failure, tyre fatigue and unusual wear.
  • Scrap analysis
  •  Analysis of tyre performance based on ‘Cost per kilometer’ or
    ‘Cost per hour’
  •  Pick up & delivery
  • TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitor Systems)
  • Tyre Care Training for drivers, machine operators, workshop
    supervisors and procurement departments. Certificate issued after
    completing training.
  • Tyre Repair Training - A professional repair can considerably
    extend the lifetime of a damaged tyre
At Speciality Tyres we believe ‘It’s All About Service’. Our commitment to excellence ensures that our customers receive the best products, service and support required. Give us a call to discuss your tyre needs.

Give us a call to discuss your tyre needs.


Nairobi Office - Piranha Center,Mombasa Rd
P.O. Box 101398 - 00101 Nairobi
Tel Nairobi:+254 782 181 828
Email: sales@specialitytyres.co.ke

Mombasa Office & Tyre Centre - Shell Petrol Station after Nyali bridge
Tel Mombasa: +254 111 335 918 / +254 726 236 974
Email: mombasa@specialitytyres.co.ke

Narok Tyre Centre - 
Total Petrol Station, Ilmashariani
Tel Narok: +254 725 480 888
Email: narok@specialitytyres.co.ke

Nanyuki Tyre Centre - 
Shell Petrol Station, Opposite Toyota Kenya
Tel Nanyuki: +254 791 665 098
Email: nanyuki@specialitytyres.co.ke

Technical  & Training Querries
Tel: +254 782 181 828
Email: technical@specialitytyres.co.ke

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